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6Th Grade 5 Paragraph Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Symbolism Essay Example For Students
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Symbolism Essay Imprint Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novelabout a little youngsters transitioning in the Missouri of the mid-1800s. Themain character, Huckleberry Finn, invests a lot of energy in the novel floatingdown the Mississippi River on a pontoon with a runaway slave named Jim. Before he does as such, in any case, Huck invests some energy in the anecdotal town ofSt. Petersburg where various individuals endeavor to impact him. Prior to the novel starts, Huck Finn has driven an existence of absolutefreedom. His tanked and regularly missing dad has never paid muchattention to him; his mom is dead thus, when the novel starts, Huck isnot used to observing any principles. The books opening discovers Huck living withthe Widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson. The two ladies are reasonably oldand are actually to some degree unequipped for raising a defiant kid like HuckFinn. By the by, they endeavor to cause Huck into what they to accept willbe a superior kid. In particular, they endeavor, as Huck says, to sivilizehim. This procedure incorporates causing Huck to go to class, showing him variousreligious realities, and making him act such that the ladies find sociallyacceptable. Huck, who has never needed to adhere to numerous guidelines in his life,finds the requests the ladies place upon him compelling and the life withthem forlorn. Subsequently, not long after he first moves in with them, he runsaway. He bef ore long returns, in any case, despite the fact that he turns out to be to some degree comfortablewith his new life as the months pass by, Huck never truly appreciates the existence ofmanners, religion, and instruction that the Widow and her sister force uponhim. We will compose a custom article on The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Symbolism explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Huck accepts he will discover some opportunity with Tom Sawyer. Tomis a kid of Hucks age who guarantees Huck and different young men of the town a lifeof experience. Huck is anxious to join Tom Sawyers Gang since he feelsthat doing so will permit him to get away from the fairly exhausting life he leadswith the Widow Douglas. Tragically, such a departure doesn't happen. TomSawyer guarantees muchrobbing stages, killing and delivering people,kidnaping wonderful womenbut none of this happens. Huck finds outtoo late that Toms undertakings are fanciful: that attacking a troop ofA-rabs truly implies threatening little youngsters on a Sunday school picnic,that taken joolry is simply turnips or rocks. Huck isdisappointed that the experiences Tom guarantees are not genuine thus, alongwith different individuals, he leaves the group. Someone else who attempts to get Huckleberry Finn to change isPap, Hucks father. Pap is one of the most surprising figures in all ofAmerican writing as he is totally reserved and wishes to fix allof the humanizing impacts that the Widow and Miss Watson have endeavored toinstill in Huck. Pap is a wreck: he is rough looking; his hair is whole andhangs like vines before his face; his skin, Huck says, is white like afishs tummy or like a tree frogs. Paps savage appearance reflects hisfeelings as he requests that Huck quit school, quit perusing, and avoidchurch. Huck can avoid Pap for some time, however Pap kidnapsHuck three or four months after Huck begins to live with the Widow andtakes him to a forlorn lodge somewhere down in the Missouri woods. Here, Huck enjoys,once once more, the opportunity that he had preceding the start of the book. Hecan smoke, laze around, swear, and, when all is said in done, do what he needs to do. .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626 , .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626 .postImageUrl , .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626 , .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626:hover , .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626:visited , .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626:active { border:0!important; } .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626:active , .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626:hover { haziness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-improvement: underline; } .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-adornment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u49a81686ea76164fc a64af14a3535626 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u49a81686ea76164fca64af14a3535626:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The Atomic Bomb - 20 pages EssayHowever, as he did with the Widow and with Tom, Huck starts to becomedissatisfied with this life. Pap is excessively helpful with the hickory and Hucksoon understands that he should escape from the lodge in the event that he wishes toremain alive. Because of his anxiety, Huck causes it to show up as though he iskilled in the lodge while Pap is away, and leaves to go to a remote islandin the Mississippi River, Jacksons Island. It is after he leaves his dads lodge that Huck joins yetanother significant impact in his life: Miss Watsons slave, Jim. Priorto Hucks leaving, Jim has been a minor character in the novelhe has beenshown being tricked by Tom Sawyer and disclosing to Hucks fortune. Huck findsJim on Jacksons Island in light of the fact that the slave has run awayhe has caught aconversation that he will before long be offered to New Orleans. Not long after joiningJim on Jacksons Island, Huck starts to understand that Jim has more talentsand insight than Huck has known about. Jim knows various types ofsigns about the future, people groups characters, and climate anticipating. Huck discovers this sort of data vital as he and Jim float down theMississippi on a pontoon. As significant, Huck feels a solace with Jim that hehas not felt with the other significant characters in the novel. With Jim, Huckcan appreciate the best parts of his prior impacts. As does the Widow,Jim permits Huck security, however Jim isn't as limiting similar to the Widow. Like Tom Sawyer, Jim is keen yet his insight isn't asintimidating or as nonexistent as is Toms. As does Pap, Jim permits Huckfreedom, yet he does it in an adoring, instead of a wanton, style. Hence, ahead of schedule, in their relationship on Jacksons Island, Huck says to Jim,This is pleasant. I wouldnt need to be no place else however here. This feelingis in checked appear differently in relation to Hucks emotions concerning others in theearly part of the novel where he generally is awkward and wishes toleave them. At the finish of section 11 in The Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn, Huck and Jim are driven away from Jacksons Island becauseHuck finds that individuals are searching for the runaway slave. Earlier toleaving, Huck tells Jim, Theyre after us. Unmistakably, the individuals are afterJim, however Huck has just related to Jim and has started to mind forhim. This expressed sympathy shows that the two untouchables will have asuccessful and compensating companionship as they float down the stream as thenovel proceeds. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Symbolism Essay Example For Students The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Symbolism Essay The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: SymbolismQuestions1. Investigate Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Despite the fact that Tom and Hucklberry Finn share numerous things for all intents and purpose and are verygood companions, they additionally carry on with an existence of two entirely unexpected ways of life. Tom,who is a visionary, carries on with a real existence out of sentimental books, and can be interesting andexasperating simultaneously. He carries on with an actual existence out of dramatization and brings out hisimagination in a sensible manner. He is interesting when demonstrating his comprehension ofwhat he has perused and he wants to replay what has happened He is a pioneer and isidolized by many including Huck. We will compose a custom exposition on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Symbolism explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Huck, entirely different than Tom, doesn't participate in the dreams that Tomdoes and has little enthusiasm for them. He is increasingly intrigued by what ishappening at this moment and what is happening in his life in the present. He isalways pragmatic and normal, showing great presence of mind aside from in rareepisodes like the part about the snake chomp. He sees Toms wide perusing andvivid creative mind as something that sets him on himself. He regularly thinksabout how Tom would have appreciated doing some troublesome feet that he has justperformed. In spite of the fact that he gets irritated by Toms wanders off in fantasy land now and then he goes alongwith them since he accepts that Tom is somebody that is on him. 2.Huck Finns relationship with Jim changes as the story advances. Analyzehow and why the relationship changes, supporting your answer with at any rate threeexamples from the story. Jim, a slave possessed by Miss Watson, is
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Future Subjunctive Tense in French Grammar
Future Subjunctive Tense in French Grammar There is no future subjunctive in French. The current subjunctive is utilized for both present and future. There is no future subjunctive as such. Regardless of whether the activity is to occur later on, the current subjunctive is utilized. Be that as it may, there is aâ past subjunctive. Present Subjunctive Is Used for Both Present and Future All in all, the French subjunctiveâ moodâ is used to communicate activities or thoughts that are abstract or in any case questionable: will/needing, feeling, question, plausibility, need, judgment. The key to understanding this disposition isâ to recall that the subjunctive subjectivity or unreality.â The subjunctive is about constantly found in subordinate provisions presented byâ queâ orâ qui, and the subjects of the needy and primary provisos are typically unique:  Je veux que tu le fasses.I need you to do it.  Il faut que nous partions.Its essential that we leave. /We need to leave.Il estâ possible quil show up demain.Its conceivable that he will show up tomorrow.Cest bon que tu sois prã ªt midi.Its great that youll be prepared around early afternoon. Action words and articulations thatâ express someones will, anâ order, a need, a recommendation, or a longing require the subjunctive: aimer mieux queâ to like better/to lean toward thatcommander queâ to request thatdemander queâ to ask (somebody to do somethingdã ©sirer queâ to want thatdonner lordre queâ to request that Action words and articulations of feeling or feeling, for example, dread, joy, outrage, lament, shock, or some other slants, require the subjunctive: adorer queâ to love thataimer queâ to like thatapprã ©cier queâ to value that Action words and articulations of uncertainty, plausibility, notion, and supposition require the subjunctive: accepter que to acceptsattendre ce queâ to expectdã ©tester queâ to abhor Certainâ verbs and articulations take the subjunctive when they are negative or interrogatory since they express vulnerability in the speakers mind: cest queâ its that/becauseconnaã ®tre (quelquun) quiâ â â to know (somebody) thatcroire queâ to accept that Various Frenchâ conjunctive phrasesâ require the subjunctive: moins que*â â â unless supposer queâ â â assuming thatafin queâ â â so thatavant que*â â â before condition queâ â â provided that The subjunctive is required In a subordinate statement with theâ negative pronounsâ ne...personneâ orâ ne...rien, or theâ indefinite pronounsâ quelquunâ orâ quelque picked:   Je ne connais personne qui veuille maider.I dont know any individual who needs to support me.  â ll ny a rien que nous puissions faire.Theres nothing that we can do. The subjunctive isâ optional after primary provisos that contain certain descriptors, such asâ seul,â unique,â premier,â principal,â dernier, or any superlative, It relies upon how concrete the speaker feels about what is being said:Hà ©là ¨ne est la seule personne qui puisse nous aider.Hà ©là ¨ne is the main individual who can help us.(Hà ©là ¨ne might be the main individual I think can support us, however there might be others.)Hà ©là ¨ne est la seule personne que je vois.Hà ©là ¨ne is the main individual I see.(No subjunctive, since I know this for a reality - I just observe Hã ©lã ¨ne.) Conjugating the Subjunctive Is Relatively Straightforward To conjugate every single normal action word finishing - ER, - IR, and - RE, just as some irregular* ones, take the third individual pluralâ ilsâ form of theâ present tense of the action word, drop the - entâ ending to discover the stem, and include the subjunctive endings: Numerous action words thatâ are sporadic in the current state are customary in the subjunctive, including all - IR action words conjugated like partir and sortir and - RE action words conjugated like mettre. Other sporadic action words, just as all stem-evolving action words, haveâ irregular subjunctive conjugations.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Laptop Stickers of MIT
Laptop Stickers of MIT It doesnt take long being on MITs campus to notice all the laptop stickers around! Not everyone here decks out their portable computers, but many do! And among those who do, so much variety exists, in quantity, arrangement, aesthetic, and content of stickers. Its true, you can tell a lot about a person from their biography. Now heres what we can learn about an MIT student from their Laptop Stickers! The stickers mostly represent my friends, home, and love for nature. Everyone who knows me knows that I absolutely love everything about Chicago and the Chicago Cubs (my family and I are all die hard fans) and will literally rave about the city for hours if you let me. The fly the W sticker also relates to the Cubs if you are unfamiliar. The red/green Beast sticker is a symbol for my hall in EC, Beast, who are my best friends that I love greatly and honestly couldnt survive MIT without. The original image is black and white, but was made into a red/green image to spite the large number of color blind residents that used to live on Beast. Im incredibly proud of my hall and dorm, so both of these stickers had to be on there. The distressed sticker I got from one of my friends and given the stress and work that MIT students face, I felt it was highly relatable. The adventure awaits sticker I have because I absolutely love to go camping/hiking/backpacking. I have tons of stickers from al l the places I have visited but reserve those for my water bottles. Julia C. 21, Course 5 12, East Campus I have SO many stickers on my laptop; about 140 grams worth of them, to be somewhat precise (some friends and I put my laptop on a scale, and I just looked up the weight on the spec sheet.) I just put a sticker on any random place on my computer, creating layers and layers and obscuring stickers placed long ago. Honestly any sticker I ever find is worthy of going on my computer; even if I dont like the sticker that much, Ill just put it on the bottom of my laptop (not pictured) :pp But for the front panel, I try to keep it very colorful and eclectic, thats really my aesthetic, and Im a big fan of clashing and bright colors like you see there. I think the oldest sticker thats still visible is the little blue sliver on the far left of the picture; its a Hillary Clinton 2016 sticker. The latest one I put on is the MakeMIT sticker on the right side (the M in the gear); I found that sticker in the TechX storage room, when me and my friends (one of whom is in TechX) had a meeting in there for a club. Other notable stickers include the Stop! I could have dropped my croissant sticker which a friend here gave me, and the Supreme sticker which I found on the floor in Boston Logan (gotta stay fresh and rock what the cool kids rocking) Faraz 21, Course 14, Next House Anon 19, Course 3, Next House These were a gift from my wing secret snowflake this Christmas. Theyre my favorite character from Overwatch (D.va) but redesigned to be me instead. My friend actually designed them and made an entire pack of K.tie stickers for my laptop, phone, and anywhere else! Katie 20, Course 2, Next House Jeba S. 20, Course 6-2, Maseeh Im picky with the stickers I put on my laptop. They need to convey my personality, aesthetic, and/or represent significant parts of my experience. FRIENDS FAMILY: confused alpaca sticker: my friend Hannah got this for me in Japan!she said it was representative of me cat in a terrarium: my sister gave me this one :) its cute Spirited Aways no face with a heart: I love Hayao Miyazaki films and watch them with my family. My sister gave me this one. did somebody say distressed?: Milka (MIT 2019) made a bunch of these stickers as a play on words. #relatablecontent HAPPY CLUB: is from MIT Happy Club! My friend, Ada 2018 gave me this one!! 3 sticker: This is the logo created by my lovely friends Bibit Bianchini(MIT 2018) Henry Love(MIT 2018, MEng 2019). It contains their last initials :) WORK: the google sticker with the lanterns: I got this from my mentor at Google when I interned there for a second summer. I liked how it didnt have Googles traditional branding and is representative of my Chinese background gnome: one of my coworkers runs a store with his wife! its called honey brie the sticker came with some pins i bought Scratch Jr. cat: Ive been working with Lifelong Kindergarten in the Media Lab for over a year and a half now :) Headspace cartoon: I externed at Headspace in January 2019 and loved it :) Theyve got a distinct style expressed by their color palette and flat shapes to match the cartoon aesthetic ive got. PERSONAL: birds of paradise: fave flower in one of my fave colors. vinyl cut this sticker as part of the (in)famous how to make (almost) anything class :) Tina Q. M.Eng, Course 6, East Campus, but now living in Central Radiolab sustainer : Its the best podcast out there! The team tells incredible, human stories where science, politics, and society intersect. A few of my favorites are the Border Trilogy, Anna in Somalia, and The Gondolier. [emailprotected]: I joined PLEASURE in August, and I have met the most incredible friends there. I really appreciate that I can talk about the very best and very worst of sex and relationships without judgment around them. Stars: I am obsessed with stars, but not in the way that Course 16s love space. My Chinese nickname is actually ??, which means star and is why I have loved stars since childhood. DFTBA: I loved watching the vlogbrothers in high school, and I ended up attending Nerdcon (where I got the sticker) in Boston during freshman year. My CPW host actually works for Hank Green and writes for SciShow on Youtube! Ariel: The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie, and Ariel is my camp nickname when Im a counselor for Camp Kesem at MIT. Part of Your World is the best Disney song, hands down. Hogwarts: I was a big Harry Potter fan during high school, and this sticker was a gift from my high school student government advisor. Join the World: Still havent MISTIed yet, but hopefully someday Seattle, WA: My hometown and the most beautiful city in the world (peep those towering evergreen trees). MIT MedLinks: MedLinks was the first organization I joined at MIT, and I know that our members impact students in so many positive ways. We help make sudden colds more bearable, talk our friends through the worst of TFP, and advocate for better services at MIT Medical. 2020 Ring: Our brass rat is weirdly muscular, but its still the only piece of jewelry I never take off. MindHandHeart: People psets always. Laura L. 20, Course 7, Burton Conner I really like all of em, so that’s why I bought em. I’ve had them on my laptop for a couple years now and when I’m working on my laptop out n about I forget they are on until people comment on them. I think they are funky fresh and add personality to my mac. I really appreciate how they look and how different they are (and how some of them push boundaries in fun ways). They are for the most part either art-related, music-related, or progressively-minded (or sometimes a combo) and I like being able to express those realms of myself on the back of my laptop in an aesthetically pleasing way. Sky 22, Simmons The stickers on my laptop are a mix of random, colorful, and meaningful. The first stickers were the Terrascope stickers in the bottom corner. The black and white sticker above it is a picture of Simmons that I found in the Simmons Room of Requirement while looking for items needed to run the CPW Escape Room. The Chrome, Cat, Pi Day, Yeti, and Ring Premiere stickers are just random stickers I found and ended up liking. At the top covered by other stickers are NASA faded stickers I got at career fair a couple of years ago. And finally are the stickers I got from MIT Cru. They have a few bible verse, that I strive to live up to, Especially, She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future Proverbs 31:25. Asia 20, Course 2, Simmons I have two surfaces where I put stickers on my laptopthe outside front and the inside, around the keypad. My previous laptop had a lot more stickers but I decided I preferred a more minimalist aesthetic. So the outside has stickers that I feel communicate something to others, since they are outward-facing. I have the Blogerati blog-or-die sticker that echoe made dead center, a cool wooden sticker I found at a whole foods in Longmont, CO, which has the iconic welcome to Colorful Colorado sign text, and then the newest addition is an MIT-Africa sticker. These are all organizations or places that are very important to me, and that I want others to know Im a part of. On the inside are stickers that are more for me. We have a Clover sticker, a this is fine dog sticker, and the MIT-Africa logo. I spent a lot of time eating/studying/hanging out at Clover as an undergrad, especially during Lent (though my family is Catholic we still adhere to the Ethiopian-Orthodox lenten fasting tradition, which is basically going vegan, and Clover is entirely vegetarian/mostly vegan) so its sort of a happy place. The this is fine dog sticker is something Chris Peterson got with an actual this is fine dog stuffed toy from a kickstarter campaign (it is adorable) and you know, just all mit students relate real hard to that meme. I sometimes just glance down at it in times of stress and feel a little better, because it reminds me that things will be fine, of a funny moment in Chriss office one time, and just gives me a second to calm down. And lastly, also a new addition, the MIT-Africa logo reminds me of what Im starting to see as my purpose and calling in lifeto cont ribute to the growing global afro-renaissance, to use whatever skills I have to lift up people and change societies and champion a new path forward in the world. Very abstract for now, but as a recent graduate (18) Im still trying to piece together what concrete things I can do to lead me there, like switching from robotics to maybe clean energy and water resources or applying to do Fulbright research (this is a blog post for another day). Selam G. 18, 2A-Robotics, I live in cambridge now~ I LOVE STICKERS!!!! The base sticker is from a holographic sheet I cut out to fit. It used to be very shiny and distracting in classrooms and would blind anyone who looked directly at it but since then the scratches have toned it down. I have two MIT related stickers, the BE one because I want to study that and the Hustler one because I am always doing too much (my roommates have matching ones, one is Hacker and one is Hipster). The label-looking stickers I printed from a label maker in lab when I was supposed to be doing research. Please Work is my general attitude towards life, and the wow emoji is my fave. Gossip Girl is the best show. The rest is just cute stickers I bring back from Shanghai each summer lol. Emily H. 22, Course 20 The sticker in the upper right says EC, which stands for East Campus, the dorm that I live in! Going along with that, the specific floor of EC that I live on is 5West, which you can find in a sticker on the upper left. Right next to that one is a sticker that says Black and white to color. Our GRT (MITs version of an RA) said that phrase while telling a story and it was so amazing that we made stickers out of it. And of course, #ihtfp. Claire 20, Course 18 and 6-3, East Campus I have had a wide collection of laptop stickers since early high school. Basically everyone in Speech and Debate always had good stickers, so I started my collection. Non of those original stickers remain as I found so many new fun stickers in college, but in high school I always found that all my stickers fit in the category of tech stuff or political stuff. Depending on how you define political, a good number of my stickers now still fall under that category. A lot more of my stickers now pertain to things Im involved in. The quintessential ihtfp sticker has to be there, but I also have two AEPhi stickers from my sorority and two CodeIt stickers, a club that teaches middle school girls how to code. Some stickers I got for free, which are always the best stickers, either from my dorm or at activities midway. The biggest difference between my current stickers and my high schools stickers are probably the visibly gay stickers like Queer Women Code or Lets get one thing straight, Im no t. As I was not out in high school, I never had stickers like that or felt comfortable sharing that part of myself in such a public way. MIT is a very different place from high school. While my high school wasnt that homophobic, very few people were actually out, so coming out was a scary, big thing to do. On the other hand, I have met a large number of people who are out here at MIT and that has made it easier to come out. My laptop tells a small version of who I am. My interests and passions are a part of who I am, and I enjoying sharing that. Anon 22, Course 18c, New House I keep my stickers close to my keyboard so I can see them when I work. My first sticker was an MIT AeroAstro sticker I got my first semester as part of the department, which I like to keep close by because the aerospace field has always been where I wanted to spend my life. Opposite that Ive got a Europa Scuba sticker. NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory has put out a bunch of stickers and posters advertising different travel destinations throughout the solar system and galaxy, and this was one of my favorites. I like looking at in in the hope that one day well be able to scuba dive on Europa! Raul L. 20, Course 16 6-2, Burton Conner They all have stories! My favorites: NOLS: National Outdoor Leadership School, in which I kayaked and backpacked in Alaska the summer after freshman year. I had to leave early because I was dealing with undiagnosed depression and didnt know what was going on, just that everything hurt. Its a painful reminder, but an important part of my story. Scul: I was at sevlev at midnight on a misty evening, and all of a sudden this gang of people on decked-out bicycles LEDs, speakers, double-decker bikes, the works pulled up. I talked to them for a bit, listened to their music, and they gave me this sticker. I decided to put it on my laptop to always remember the magic of freshman year and of the new city I had moved to. -I VOTED: I didnt turn 18 until sophomore year, so when I was finally able to vote, it felt like a huge milestone! Beta Inside: from 6.004. I was 6-1 at the time, which turned out disastrously I was pushing myself into engineering out of a vague misguided desire for job security but I learned so much from that class, and was so proud of my progress, that I definitely wanted to save that sticker. got consent?: a very important issue for me as I grappled with sex, sexuality, and rediscovered trauma during my upperclassman years. It seemed almost like fate that as I wanted to add a sticker, there would be a place where it could neatly fit. Its funny, but they ended up mapping many major milestones of my time at MIT, and by looking at them, I can remember those parts of who I am. Daniela Z. 17, Course 8, East Campus I have to eat the fruit that a sticker is associated with in order for me to be able to put it on the laptop. Aria 20, Course 5 When I came to MIT, the only stickers I had on my laptop were my NASA sticker, my TESS (transiting exoplanet survey satellite) sticker that I got from an engineer who worked on it, and my Wheaton Ice Arena sticker (where I worked and trained in high school). Once I got here though, the stickers piled on! The Yellowstone sticker is from my FPOP (the course 12 geology fpop) and I added on a bunch of other course 12-centric stickers, like my tardigrade sticker, my Drake equation sticker (fun fact: my freshman advising seminar was all about the Drake equation!), and my “women in Planetary Science†sticker. I couldn’t forget a reference to one of my favorite memes (the dog of wisdom) and the falling petunias from “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.†Not pictured is the sticker of the Shib Sibs (ice dancers) on the keyboard part of my laptop and the multiple stickers that I’ve found I don’t have room for on my laptop that are now on my water bottle or are currently being shipped to me. (I have a sticker problem, I know.) Juliana D. 22, Course 12, Burton Conner A solid number of the stickers on my laptop are from my time as a Hackmit organizer, during which I was surrounded by incredible people who all worked together rto out on an incredible event every year. The top right pokeball is from Pokémon League, which was one of the first clubs I joined and helped my friend Lucy Yang get started (but in all honesty she mostly carried the entire league on her back). Just below that one is a small ADT sticker (I unfortunately dont have any DT stickers, but dancing in college was something I never thought Id do but ended up enjoying immensely). Two of the bottom stickers are soylent and my no ramen no life stickers, which pretty much sum up my diet when the crunch time hits. To the left of those is King Gourd! Hes the mascot of my wing in Next House, 2E, and I also have the same sticker on my phone wallet. The worn out Messenger sticker and vintage Instagram Pokéball are from the summer I interned at Facebook which was also the same summer Pokémo n Go came out. And right next to that are stickers from GEL (the Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program) and MEET (Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow)! Carlos H. 17, Course 6-2, Next House I dont buy any of my stickers, instead getting them from career fairs, conferences, and my clubs. I made the Hitchhikers Guide sticker in high school using shiny holo-vinyl with our makerspaces Silhouette Cameo. Its one of my favorite books, and its nice having a constant reminder to relax. Katya B. 22, Course 6 and 12, Random Hall I got a bunch of stickers from Activities expo, HackMIT, Career Fair, and more. I actually keep them in a plastic bag in one of my drawers. Despite my huge collection of stickers, I decided to use only one of them the Facebook laugh react sticker, which I placed right on top of the Apple logo. The laugh react sticker is an accurate representation of me. Im always laughing and smiling (sometimes in serious moments). I really appreciate minimalism. One small sticker can speak much more than stacks of stickers that cover the whole area of the laptop. The message is simple and clear. Its a reminder to me and those who sit around me to smile and laugh often. Megan W. 22, Course 6, McCormick Ive got a lot of stickers, I use them as a skin for my laptop, they wear off so the shell isnt damage. Every sticker has a story. Dig is a record store in Moscow that I bought a cat record from once. The break-a-record rectangle is from MITs flu vaccine push a year ago, when they tried (and failed by a good amount) to vaccinate 10k people (I was 3 thousand something). Im a member of WMBR, the radio station (and you should be too). Cliked was a meme startup my friends and I had in high school. VHacks was this hackathon at the Vatican of all places, which was really interesting. The eyeball is from ????, a clothing brand. Perla nera was off of an Italian watermelon, I think I bought it near Veroli, Italy, and carried it home on my head. I found the IHTFP at like 2am in Stata when I was frosh, the Arduino and rpi come from the NYC maker faire the year we did the meme startup. Im a guide at the List, hence the List sticker, and my roommate subscribes to Sketchbox, and then I eat their st ickers. The 500 Yen was from incense I bought in Japan, but I couldnt read Japanese so I thought I was buying a thing for a diffuser? But it was incense? I gave it to my grandma before I realized, so her house just smelled like Hot Topic for a few daysI think she appreciated it, perhaps because shes never been to Hot Topic. The zipline thing is from a place my second cousin works at. Shes cool, I think shes living in Oracle in a house my grandma used to own. Batman was from a happy meal, maybe from Hong Kong but maybe from the McDs on Mass Ave, I cant remember. Rocket Fizz is a store that gives away stickers when you buy things, its near my little cousins house. Last year I bought a small rubber hand for my fingers and tried to scare my grandma. It didnt work. Hello Kitty was from an off-brand kinder egg from Auchan outside of Moscow (it was the first hypermarket Ive ever been to, and after my head sort of hurt; it was like eight Sams clubs smooshed together). I found the DANGER sti cker in the basement of 18 off of reuse, and me and my cousin put the Supreme on top of it because we thought it was funny. But now everyone memes at me for liking Supreme, so Id say it was all in all a regrettable decision. My laptop is slowly disintegrating, and I fear for the day I have to replace it, because I dont want to lose my stickers. I dont really pull stickers from monumental events (ie, I dont go to New York to get a I heart NY sticker because those arent really common), so I feel like my stickers are from these small and insignificant moments of impulse involving disparate strangers and little coincidences that Id otherwise forget. Its like a small collection of little things Ive been a part of. Claire 20, Course 2A, Random Hall My laptop stickers mean a lot to me, because they have been growing with me since the beginning of college. Each sticker represents activities/organizations that I got involved with and am proud to represent. Im running out of space so I am starting to put stickers on the bottom of my laptop now. Wei H. 19, Course 2, MIT Student House I have a lot of stickers on my laptop. I think I’m working on the third layer. Most of them are from career fair but a couple are important. The Jalite sticker is from the company my dad works at and the small square below it is a Jalite product (it also glows in the dark). The pink tree is from a friend of mine and it says “oh, ‘tis love ‘‘tis love that makes the world go roundâ€. I have the 21 Brass Rat sticker on there as well as an oath sticker which is one of my favorite places to eat near campus. I have quite a few 2.00b stickers from my time in that class and a sheep sticker that says “sleep is for the strong!†that I got from MIT Medical. There’s an associate advisor tucked in there as well as a few McCormick stickers. One of my little brothers told me his favorite sticker is the one of a pirate ship that reads “It’s more fun to be a pirate than join the navy.†My newest sticker is the WMBR sticker, and I’m positive it won’t be the last one I add. Leah Y. 21, Course 18 and 21W, McCormick Most of my stickers come from my department course 3 gives out a lot of goodies. The sock monkeys along the bottom are from a gift given to the sophomores to celebrate their first exams, and all of the joke ones are from course 3 study breaks. And, of course, the DMSE sticker. I got one for the opening of MIT Nano, a blue elephant from a company at career fair, and I pulled the black one in the corner off of a leaf blower I dismantled in lab. Finally, signac.io comes from a summer research position at University of Michigan, with the group that uses and produces signac, a data management system geared towards materials scientists. Rachael S. 19, Course 3, Random Hall Some stickers I bought, some were free from career fair. Some represent things I like (Game of Thrones, Transistor), some are fun (skateboard bird, Boba Fett tea), some are from my communities (Next House, 2 East Gourd), and some are simply because I liked the colors/aesthetic (Postmates wooden sticker, Customink octopus). Shavina C. 19, Course 6-3 and CMS, Next House Rima D. 18, Course 2A, Simmons (Ill describe left to right!) Top left corner, of course, is our lovely schools saying IHTFP and I do find it to be pretty rigorously true. Right below that is a cupcake because I think that if I were to be a food, I would be a cupcake (and also its just really adorable). The thumbs up is just a nice encouragement throughout the day that things are always going to end up being a thumbs up (y). Next to that is a seal because seals are my favorite animal and gosh that one is adorable 3. Right above that, theres a blank space because Im /waiting/ for my little brother to give me the logo to his startup so I can promo it (shameless plug: get the Privasee extension for your chrome browser!!) I absolutely love my family and want to support him anyway I can. Bottom right is pretty obvious: I go to MIT (shocker !!) Right above that is my favorite molecule; it has absolutely no physiological significance or anything but I think the way that its synthesized is really beautiful (can you tell Im a Course 5??) Lastly, the top right sticker is probably my favorite because it encompasses two things I believe in: chemistry and positivity. Im almost always high energy and upbeat and I love that this sticker fuses that and chemistry. Katherine 19, Course 5 When I got a new laptop I decided to consciously curate what stickers I put on it to reflect different aspects of my self. The three sad looking stars are from a poster session for 6.830 (Databases) last semester the instructors put stars on the posters they visited (and silver/gold ones on the ones they liked). I made the Did somebody say distressed? stickers for a personal meme. Consent is from SSC. Empowered women is from the SWE booth at Midway, but it reminds me of a specific friend who doesnt go here. Team rainbow is from career fair (SubtleGay(tm)). Tender hearted and the feminist agenda are from a woman on etsy because I saw them and they were me. Marylin Monroe was donated to Margaret Fuller House where I volunteered last year, and was deemed inappropriate for children. Hacking the Glass Ceiling is from Pearl Hacks at UNC. Sleep is for the strong is Big because its Important. Anon 19, 6-3 21L, East Campus I collected around 100 stickers from various places and events around campus, and this is what came out of it. The colors of the Duolingo stickers really stood out to me, so they were a definite yes. I live in McCormick so that one was easy too. My sister gave me the Oovoo Javer sticker, and I couldnt resist donning the meme (technically not found on campus, but a gift from home 3). I think the I create awesomeness sticker is an interesting one to continuously be reminded of given the infinite resources and opportunities at MIT. By far my favorite and most defining sticker is the one on my spacebar. I always have questions, and you bet Im always looking for answers. Layal B. 22, Course 2A (probably), McCormick My friend hand-drew the Spiderman decal for my birthday since we are both obsessed with Tom Holland (??????). The pink carrot is from my high schools Quadchella event, and it kind of reminds me that not everything has to be the way that they always are (carrots dont have to be orange!). The rest are from MIT, either the career fair or activities midway or something else! With all due respect to the organizations that made these, I hate branding, so I generally cut the names off and stick on the designs. Except New House! Because New House! Joanna 22, Course 7, New House First we have IHTFP because its totally true. As a senior, I Have Truly Found Paradise more than I Hated This F***ing Place. Next, ESP is my favorite student group on campus: we run events like Splash and HSSP where MIT students can teach middle and high schoolers about literally any topic they want. The blue elephants are apparently a data snuffleupagus from a company whose name Ive forgotten at my first Career Fair. They are the exception to my rule of only having stickers from things Ive been actively involved in because theyre really nerdy and cute. The parachute, purple DANGER knife (because Purple team), and 2.009 surrounded by triangles are all from 2.009, the MechE capstone product design class that dominated my life last semester. The black Star Wars beaver is from 2.007, the class that inspired FIRST robotics, where MechE sophomores design and build robots to play a game. In 2017 the game was named May the Torque be with You and based around a Star Wars x-wing. The blue gea r is my high school robotics team logo; I vinyl cut this sticker myself in one of the maker spaces on campus my freshman year. The TechX, HACK, and xFair stickers are all from my involvement with TechX, the group that organizes tech events on campus including HackMIT and xFair. My dorm, MacGregor, created stickers with this alphabet soup logo because we have entries named by letters. I was really excited when we finally got the stickers last semester because I felt like my love for E entry, my living group, was underrepresented on my computer. The beaver was the MIT Peer Ears logo, which I kept even though Im no longer an active Peer Ear (students trained in active listening skills by MIT Mental Health to be a confidential resource for their living groups) because its cute. I actually dont know why I still have the Happy Club beaver since it breaks my things Ive been involved in rule but as one of the first stickers I got, the others are structured around it, and I havent found a re placement with a similar shape. Plus its happy and cute (you may be starting to see a theme). Finally theres the anti-theft tattoo which I got as a frosh when my computer had no stickers. At least it inspired me to get stickers to make it stand out less, which I think worked! Marianne O. 19, Course 2 15 minor, MacGregor Anon I have a lot of fun finding stickers for my laptop. I figure if my face is going to be behind one all the time, my laptop might as well tell the world a little bit about me. Just looking at the collection, you can tell Im probably into the outdoors, given the seven stickers with pictures of mountains, rocks, trees, and/or tents. Im a geoscience and planetary science major here at MIT, so I guess I have a thing for rocks. My favorite sticker of that bunch is rocks with socks, because I think it is just so silly and ridiculous. The Yellowstone sticker also holds a special place in my heart, as I have been on the DEAPS Yellowstone FPOP two times, once as a prefrosh and once as an undergrad TA. I have met some really great friends on those trips. In the upper left corner I have a Massachusetts REI sticker, which was given to me by a grad student in my lab who knows I love stickers. In the center I have a Chicago heart sticker, to remind me of my hometown and favorite city. I also have an MIT EMS patch sticker, as I am an EMT in the service. Lastly, I have several stickers to recognize two great loves of mine: cats and coffee. Megan 21, Course 12, New House (German House) The stickers on my laptop represent things that Ive done as well as things that I admire. Ive actually printed and cut a few of these myself, namely the Binance and X stickers. The scratch sticker was actually the first sticker on my laptop, and I was (and still am) very proud to have disrupted the beautiful aluminum with the scratch cat. Dan C. I love stickers! They spark conversation and each one represents a small part of me. They also make things more lively and interesting. I think I have way too many to describe them all, but many of my stickers are about my faith. Christianity is very important to me and I love to talk to people who spark conversation with me about why faith is such a valuable part of my life. Also my life is a huge meme so I love memes and I LOVE THE OFFICE so you see a bit of that here. Theres a big Dreams+Nighthawks sticker because that was the show sticker for my most recent summer marching with the Blue Devils Drum Bugle Corps. Sally L. 20, Course 20, Simmons Shannon 22, Course 5-7, Next House My stickers are all from clubs or events I went to and felt quite influenced by or put a lot work into it. For example, I have a lot of stickers from HackMIT which I both attended and organized for a year. I also have a sticker thats not like that: the remains of a Hello World sticker are now just a falling Hell. A sticker from the house I played the most in Legacy Betrayal on the House on the Hill is one of my favorite memories and stickers :) Jynnie 20, CMS, Next House I really love my laptop stickers, because they do a pretty great job of describing me as well as Id ever be able to in words. Three of my stickers target a core piece of my identity that Im Colombian American, and specifically from MedellÃn (hence the knockoff Supreme sticker emblazoned on the top of my computer). In the bottom left are two more bits of Colombia: Carlos El Pibe Valderrama, and a flowering coffee plant. My dad played professional soccer in Colombia and I grew up hearing his stories about El Pibes playing days, and I spend approximately 80% of my waking hours sipping on coffee or tea (but usually coffee). There are also three stickers that target another bit of me, which is my concentration in Japanese language study. In the top left is a woodblock print by my favorite artist, Hiroshi Yoshida; in the middle is a NASA sticker that makes a pun on gomen nasai (Im sorry in Japanese); and on the top right is the restaurant logo from a favorite anime of mine about an elite cooking academy. The latter two stickers additionally touch on the facts that Ive achieved my dream of working for NASA via a past internship at JPL, and that I would want to be a chef in an alternative (better?) timeline of my life. And in the bottom right, there are two animals: a yellow badger (go Hufflepuff!) and a Sandslash, which has been my favorite Pokemon since elementary school. McCoy 20, Course 6-3, New House (German House) My stickers a fairly random assortment of clubs I was interested in the beginning of the year. The Activision one comes from a Game Dev club meeting. Kinky and queer are self explanatory ;* and finally I live on Slugfest. Basically my stickers tell you nothing about me except what most people already know :P Mimi S. 22, East Campus Anon Most are from events I care about: Battlecode Finals, HackMIT, etc. Most also have reasons. Those reasons are (approximately left to right): Never Settle: I have a OnePlus phone and thats their motto, and I like it a lot. Hack Magic: great play on words, from HackMIT. Beta Inside: 6.004 was a really awesome class and I learned a ton. Ownership Permanently Monitored Police Traceable Tattoo Beneath: Its true. Please dont steal my laptop. Yext: Group of guys from my high school went their separate ways and then came back together and founded a super successful company, and my friends hope to do the same. IHTFP: I have truly found paradise. Cruise: Interned there for a summer, and it was great. Autonomous cars are cool. M: From a makerfaire in Beijing I won a trip to with my automated whiteboard, great experience. Battlecode: fantastic game AI competition, tons of fun every year, you should all do it (its open to all students of any age!). HackTJ: my first hackathon, and a token of my high school. Cornell: My girlfriend goes there. Its beautiful. The commute to/from Boston is not. 20 ring: I wear my brass rat proudly every day. Grumpy Fuzzball (SIPB mascot): Im a SIPB keyholder, and enjoy being one of the many computer nerds in that club. REI: I love hiking and the outdoors, and am from VA. Nate F. 20, Course 6-3 18, Simmons What kind of degenerate weeb has huge anime girl stickers on their laptop? I guess thats me. But I never feel shy to express my interests here at MIT, so I proudly show them off! Left to right, top to bottom: Oshino Ougi, Gumi, Cirno, shark poster from Nichijou, Hatsune Miku, Sakamoto-san Cory L. 20, Course 6-3, Next House My high school senior year, I was OBSESSED with Redbubbles collection of stickers, so when I got my first laptop for college, I went ham. The birds flying away from a chainlink fence, the bear standing on a snowy day, and my favorite of them all Oh For Foxs sake which is in the coveted Apple Logo spot. My freshman year, there was a SWE event where the CEO of Axosoft visited and described her journey of becoming the CEO, and she gave out the It was never a dress sticker. I remember putting them on all sorts of random places in Next because we had so many! Im a huge fan of Yuzuru Hanyu, whos a two-time Olympic Gold Medalist in Mens Figure Skating, so I have a sendaid sticker, which donates money to the rebuilding of his hometown from the 2011 tsunami. I have some Facebook react and bun stickers from career fairs, as well as an IHTFP from xfair. The ATS and king gourd sticker were from communities that were an important part of my journey at MIT. I made the MIT dome sticker in my Intro to Making class. The nibble sticker is from a popup, as there was a popup space that used to be around Kendall Square, and the Annas sticker is from a really good friend who grew up in Boston. (They do have the best burritos!) Alicia O. 19, Course 18C, Next House Rosie the Riveter for girl power! The dog of wisdom is from one of my favorite youtube videos. The dabbing avocado is a long inside joke with a friend. Im plant powered as a vegetarian. Please note that the bottom left sticker is for the North American Snek Association. I have the J Entry flag and the Ohio is Home sticker. Im also a member of WMBR and have a show on Friday nights. Im in Air Force ROTC, thus the Air Force sticker, and the classic MacGregor Alphabet Entry Soup is from my dorm. Julia 21, Course 6-1, MacGregor
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Staffing for Global Operation Free Essay Example, 2500 words
It is evidently clear from the discussion that in global staffing, companies need to choose from various types of global staff members and need to have specific approaches and strategies to global staffing. Global staff members are selected from among three different types: expatriates, host-country people and third-country nationals. Expatriate is a person who belongs to the country in which the organization is headquartered and not a citizen of the country in which the company operates. A host-country national is a citizen of the country in which the subsidiary company is located. A third-country national is a citizen of a country, but works in another country and employed by an organization headquartered in a third country. As Deresky pointed, a firm s managerial staffing in other countries, depending on its stage of internationalization, and situational factors fall into one or more of the basic four staffing modes, namely ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric and global appro aches. Each staffing modes present different and unique HR management challenges as well as opportunities. More specifically, when an organization uses citizens of different countries for its staffing, different tax laws and other significant HR-related factors may apply and therefore it highly recommended that HR professionals need to be knowledgeable about the laws and customs of each country that its workforce belong to. We will write a custom essay sample on Staffing for Global Operation or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The four different modes of international staffing are detailed in the paper. When companies hire expatriates to staff their high-level foreign positions, it uses the ethnocentric approach. The company focuses on using home-country nationals to staff most of its senior managerial positions for its global operation. The basic perception of this approach is that home-office perspectives and issues are likely to take precedence over local perspectives and issues and therefore these expatriates will be more effective in representing the views of home-office.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Hail Definition, Causes, and Formation
Hail is a form of precipitation that falls from the sky as pellets of ice. The pellets can range in size from small pea-sized pellets to hailstones as large as grapefruits (more on hail size below). The formation of hail means a severe thunderstorm is likely in your vicinity. You should monitor your weather situation closely for thunder, lightning, torrential rain, and possibly even tornadoes. Not a Winter Weather Event Because its made of ice, hail is often mistaken as a cold weather event, but in reality, it is associated with severe thunderstorms  not winter weather.  While hailstorms technically can occur year-round, some of the most destructive hail events have occurred at the height of summer. (This makes sense seeing as how hail is associated with thunderstorms, and thunderstorms, in turn, are most common in the summertime when theres an abundance of heat in the atmosphere to help fuel their development.) Hail Forms High Up, in Cold Clouds If hail is a summer rather than winter weather event, how do temperatures get cold enough to form ice? Hailstones form inside of cumulonimbus clouds that can tower at heights of up to 50,000 feet. While the lower regions of these storms contain warm air, the upper regions are below freezing. strong updrafts  Updrafts within the storm system can whisk raindrops up into this sub-zero region, causing them to freeze into ice crystals. These ice particles are then carried back down into the clouds lower levels by the downdraft where it thaws and collects additional water droplets and back up via the updraft where it re-freezes. This cycle may continue multiple times. With each trip above and below the freezing level, a new layer of ice is added to the frozen droplet until it grows too heavy for the updraft to carry it. (If you cut a hailstone in half, you would see alternating concentric layers inside it, resembling tree rings.) It then falls out of the cloud to the ground. The stronger the updraft, the heavier a hailstone it can carry, and the longer that hailstone cycles through the freezing process (that is, the larger it grows). Short-Lived Storms Hail usually forms over an area and leaves within a few minutes. However, there have been instances when it stayed in the same area for several minutes, leaving several inches of ice covering the ground. Hailstone Size and Speed Hailstones are measured according to their diameter. But unless you have a knack for eyeballing measurements or are able to slice a hailstone in half, its easier to estimate its size by comparing it to everyday items. Description Size (Diameter) Typical Fall Speed Pea 1/4 inch Marble 1/2 inch Dime/Penny 3/4 inch 43 mph Nickel 7/8 inch Quarter 1 inch 50 mph Golf Ball 1 3/4 inch 66 mph Baseball 2 3/4 inch 85 mph Grapefruit 4 inch 106 mph Softball 4 1/2 inch To date, the largest hailstone recorded in the U.S. fell in Vivian, South Dakota on July 23, 2010. It measured 8 inches in diameter, 18.2 inches around, and weighed 1 pound 15 ounces. The velocity of hail varies by shape and size. The largest and heaviest can fall at speeds upwards of 100 mph! Hail Damage With their hard exteriors and relatively fast fall speeds, hailstones often cause extensive damage. On average, over $1 billion dollars in damage to crops and property is sustained each year in the U.S. The most susceptible objects to hail damage include vehicles and roofs. One of the most costly hail events in recent weather history occurred in June 2012 when severe storms crossed over the Rockies and Southwestern U.S. causing over $1.0 billion dollars in damage in the state of Colorado. The Top 10 Hail-Prone Cities in the U.S. Amarillo, TexasWichita, KansasTulsa, OklahomaOklahoma City, OklahomaMidwest City OklahomaAurora, ColoradoColorado Springs, ColoradoKansas City, KansasFort Worth, TexasDenver, Colorado
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bshs 402 Final Exam Free Essays
Final Exam Please use the Initial List of Case Management Functions located in the Appendix of your Rothman Sager text on page 289 as well as chapter 2. Use the vignette below to provide Case Management services to this particular client. Please follow all of the steps in the Case Management functions to best serve your client. We will write a custom essay sample on Bshs 402 Final Exam or any similar topic only for you Order Now Please do not number each of the functions in question/answer form, but answer in essay format using APA standards. You will not earn credit unless each of the steps is clearly identified; you may use headings, italicized identification throughout the paragraph with each of the steps, etc. The final exam is due Week 5 Day 7. Please submit to the assignments section on your student website. Your paper should be at least 3-5 pages double spaced. Jack is a single father of two children. He has recently lost his job which is creating difficulties taking care of his family. He is on the verge of having his electricity and water cut off to his house. He is also struggling to pay his mortgage. He is on his last $50 and still has to feed his family for the week. He has not had much luck on his own finding services to help him in this time of crisis. Recently, his two children have had difficulties in school acting out and not completing their school work. Jack is becoming frustrated and feels hopeless given his current situation. He comes to you looking for help. What do you do? Client Identification and Outreach In order to help Jack return stability into his life and that of his children we need to follow a schematic model of intervention as discussed in Chapter 2 of our text. The first step in implementing the case management process is Client Identification and Outreach. According to Rothman (1998), â€Å"the flow of clients into the organization can come through referrals of various kinds (agencies, families, community organizations, clergy, police, schools, self-referral, etc. )†. Therefore the agency must make itself available to receive clientele as they approach the system. Jack has contacted our agency through self-referral. Now we must set up an interview to find out more about Jack and his family. This will be accomplished through an intake interview. Intake, Assessment and Setting Goals An intake interview will take place during the first appointment in a formal setting such as the agency office where various administrative forms will be filed. Intake will include identifying Jack’s problem and situation. Also, it will be determined if there is an appropriate agency-client match. Eligibility will be examined and the financial situation appraised. The client will be given information about agency services, requirements, and limitations. At this time we hope to find out more details about Jack’s struggles and needs as well as some personal/family background information. Psychosocial Assessment The next step would be assessing the level of the client’s social, psychological, and physical functioning. This is a rather involved step in the process because not only does the information come from the client but other sources such as family, previous agencies, work place etc. In Jack’s case he will be the main contributor to his background information. During the assessment process we find out that Jack was laid off because the company downsized to be able to compete in today’s tough market. Jack was a computer analyst. The financial burden has become unbearable and added stress to Jack’s family life. Recently he vented out his frustration on his two children, and now regrets it. With bills piling up, grocery dwindling away, and his children’s poor academic performance jack finds himself in despair and in need of outside assistance. At this time it’s been determined that Jack has suffered an emotional breakdown because of high stress and on the verge of developing mild depression. His psychological needs should be addressed simultaneously while helping Jack get back on his feet and provide basic needs for his family. Jack has many friends but he is too proud to ask them for financial help. Goal Setting Now we are able to set up concrete goals with Jack because we have covered all necessary background information and determined what his needs are. First we must prioritize. Jack needs food for his family and to keep the household utilities fully functioning so that his children may continue leading a healthy daily routine. In order to maintain Jack’s psychological health a counselor from the agency will work with Jack on gaining emotional stability and dealing with daily stressors. It will take time to find Jack gainful employment; in the meantime the case manager will help him apply for unemployment. Also refer him to a local food bank for food. Throughout the goal setting process client’s input is crucial and a must to make sure all their needs are being addressed and the client’s wishes are heard and considered. The short term goals would be Jack’s psychological stability, food for his family, and maintaining full functioning of the household. Long term goals would be finding Jack full time employment and possibly learning new job skills. Another goal is to boost his children’s academic performance. Resource Identification and Intervention Planning Now we are ready to start implementing our intervention plan. An intervention plan is obviously enhanced through use of available service resources. For the purpose of our client Jack the resources we need have already been established. Now the case manager must locate these resources by looking in to the information that’s already available from previous cases or researching new resources through available networks. It’s also helpful to connect with other agencies or individuals and request needed information. It’s important to include the client in resource identification process by asking about places they turn to for help and what has been useful to them, additional resources surface, some off-the-beaten-track. By doing this a case manager can find out a lot of useful information about agencies such as availability of resources, eligibility of clients, reliability and quality of services. Now we are ready for the next step. Intervention planning encompasses both treatment planning, in the sense of therapy and counseling, and service planning, which involves the linking of clients to external agencies and informal networks for more varied and comprehensive assistance. The client’s personal rights, needs, and goals are considered in their interrelatedness with the external realities of physical space, social supports, family structure, and the community’s social and political climate. The intervention plan for Jack is simple, receive counseling and apply for unemployment, go to the local food bank. The counselor might recommend other services for Jack if she determines there is a deeper issue that cannot be resolved without the help of a therapist. Jack’s children should participate on a few counseling sessions so that a healthy family tmosphere can be established at home. A counselor might suggest Jack take a parenting class to build positive relationships with his children. The steps must be clearly defined and written out preferably in a contract. Linking Jack to the services and supports I have already identified will be our next step in the intervention plan. The case manager may assist these clients in acquiring job inter viewing and job searching skills. A social service agency can assist with perplexities about housing, job training, or family disruption. Professional linking does not consist of simply suggesting a referral. It also means making a good hook-up, including doing whatever is necessary to ensure that the client actually receives the needed aid. The case manager will connect Jack and his family with each agency and perform a follow up to make sure Jack has received the help and services he needed. This process calls for a wealth of knowledge about the community human services system: accurate, up-to-date information on policies, programs and procedures; contingencies and â€Å"loopholes†; and the costs and benefits of different options. Monitoring, Reassessment, and Outcome Evaluation Monitoring is following up on a client intervention plan to make sure it is carried out and that it brings about the helpful results that were intended. In monitoring, the practitioner sees to it that the agencies accepting clients actually provide the needed services, that aid from family or friends is forthcoming, and that the client carries out tasks that were agreed upon. It also is a means of tracking the practitioner’s own intended performance. In our case with Jack the case manager will place weekly phone calls and set up appointments every two weeks in order to measure client progress. If needed the check in sessions can become more frequent or less frequent depending on how well the client is doing. Monitoring is closely tied with reassessment because looking at a process in action automatically provides feedback about how the process is playing out and with what consequences. During reassessment it should be determined if the original intervention plan is working or if some goals need to be changed or adjusted depending on how well the plan has worked. Again it’s very important to utilize client input during monitoring and reassessment to determine success or failure of the plan and if any changes or adjustments are necessary. Finally, if the plan has worked and Jack is happily functioning in all areas of his life such as family, work and social circles, then the implemented intervention was successful. If not then the plan must be revised and new goals set up addressing areas of previous failure. All the while the case manager must give the client, Jack, empowerment to take charge of his life and never give up. The monitoring should come to a minimum at this point so the client does not come depend and rely on the case manager. However not all contact must be severed an occasional phone call or an appointment must be made to let the client know that the door is always open when he needs guidance or assistance. References Rothman, J. (1998). Case Management: Integrating Individual and Community Practice (2nd ed. ). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection. How to cite Bshs 402 Final Exam, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Washington D.C Essays - Virginia, Military Personnel,
Washington D.C Have you ever had the chance to travel to Washington D.C and see the historic buildings and monuments? If you haven't, these are my thoughts and opinions on the two most important locations in my mind when I got that chance to travel to our nation's capital. One of the most emotional parts of the five day trip was when we went to Arlington National Cemetery. I took the most pictures at Arlington because even though all the pictures were covered with white marble tombstones, I felt there was a bigger meaning behind the tombs. All 400,000 of the soldiers under that ground fought to keep their way of life or to destroy the way of life that they thought was wrong. They were all buried under the same ground together, so many soldiers who gave their lives to protect the future that they believed in. In my Social studies class we are learning about the civil war and how what the soldiers fought for. We also learned that since Robert E. Lee lived in the North but became a great confederate general the union decided to put Arlington on his 624 acres of land. This cemetery dates back to the 1860's when the war was occurring. Back then the tombstones could be any size or shape depending upon the lost soldier's family. But now the army asks that all tombstones are the same to reserve space. You would think that at a cemetery all you would see would be tombstones and flowers, but at Arlington there is much more. From guards protecting a tomb to rocks on graves and memorials. The change that I saw at Arlington was among the students, before they were horse playing and having fun, which is ok at certain times, but not then. As we walked through the endless rows of gravestones some students started to recognize what the ground that they were standing on really was. But not all students knew how emotional this place was for anyone to endure until we stood in front of the internal flame of John F. Kennedy. As we went deeper into the rows to get to the tomb of unknown soldiers you could start to more easily notice the rocks on the graves. When I asked our tour guide, she told me that they were put on top of the graves to symbolize that one has visited there lost one. Just as Christians leave flowers Jewish people leave rocks. Another thing I noticed was symbols at the top of each tombstone, they were there to show what religion that fallen soldier believed in. The type of military emblem is also included on the headstone along with name and death date. Before we went into the tomb of the Unknown Soldier's we stopped at a segregated line of graves. On these graves were names of the people that were on the space shuttle challenger. The graves around it were the crews of other space travels. We were told to be as quiet as possible when we were approaching the tombs, as the crowd of students surrounded the stairs in front of the guard's multiplied we stood as silent as could be. We watched as one of the soldiers paced back and forth clicking his ankles every time he pivoted. The path the soldiers walked in was walked on so much that it was eroded just by their footsteps. I remembered the Guide told us to counts his footsteps and how long he paused in between paces, she told me to think about the number 21. As the guard walked with the same position, same facial expression I counted his steps, sure enough he took 21 steps before stopping and pivoting. He then would pause for 21 seconds before returning to his pace. In the middle of the soldier's paces another guard comes out to inspect the new guard. He checks his clothing, and his gun for any little speck of dust found on the guard. If he is clean he will switch with the old guard and do the same routine until the next switching of the guard. They do this routine all day every day
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