Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Analysis Of The Movie Titanic - 2043 Words
Courtney Thorpe Hour 5 First and Last Journey of The â€Å"Unsinkable Ship†The movie â€Å"Titanic†is what comes to mind when hearing about one of the most shocking and known disasters of U.S. history. The movie shows the gist of how the RMS Titanic went down, but do people really know, behind the scenes, what caused the Titanic to sink along with the short and long term effects, and the influence it had on the United States? Most people would conclude that no, they don’t know the influence the Titanic had, what went into building the Titanic, how it devastatingly sunk, and the lasting effects it had on luxury travel and the way ships are built today. As well with the multiple factors that went into how the supposedly â€Å"unsinkable ship†, well†¦ sunk. Before the RMS Titanic was set to sail its maiden voyage in April of 1912, many things contributed into the preparation and building of the ship. It was the second out of three huge, luxurious ships built by the White Star Line in the early 1900s. The ship was built by Harland and Wolff Heavy Industries in Belfast, North Ireland (Bassett). Out of the company’s 15,000 workers, it took around three thousand to build it in a time period of three years. Working on or in the ship was a very difficult and dangerous job as many would assume. According to the Harland and Wolff Industry research, records show injuries to nearly 250 workers, with two workers dying in construction accidents in the shipyard and six more dying on board duringShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie Titanic Essay1074 Words  | 5 Pages Kenneth Burke developed Pentadic analysis, it combines five elements and each which related to a question. The movie Titanic is directed by James Cameron and it was releas e in 1997. This film talks about the love story about the two characters of different social classes and fall in love. And the unsinkable ship was filled on the ocean. Titanic’s first voyage is also its last voyage out to sea. Show humanity and love will never change until death in the face of disaster. 84 years later, BrockRead MoreMovie Analysis : Titanic Movie Titanic 1455 Words  | 6 PagesOscar nominated movie â€Å"Titanic†, a love story about a young man and woman. Their love is shown throughout the depths of this movie through dialogue, camera angles, by the use of music, and how you can distinguish the character development in Rose. To begin, â€Å"Titanic†is a movie about the emerging yet proscribed love of young Rose DeWitt Bukater, played by Kate Winslet, who is of the upper class, and young Jack Dawson, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, who is a poor yet witty artist. The movie starts off withRead MoreMovie Analysis : Titanic 1273 Words  | 6 PagesTitanic Titanic portrayed sexuality with attraction between a man and a woman. 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The four principles are trait, generation to generation which extends to â€Å"social mobility†, universal but variable and not just inequality but beliefs.†(Marconis, page 209, para. 1) In this paper I will analyze the movie Titanic and will show and bring out those principles of social stratification and how even though it was set inRead MoreThe Love Connection Of James Cameron s Titanic1374 Words  | 6 PagesThe Love Connection in James Cameron’s Titanic: I’m Flying Titanic is a 1997 American romance film that was directed, written and co-produced by James Cameron based on the notorious sinking of the RMS Titanic in the early morning of April 15, 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean. The sinking occurred when the ship came in contact with an iceberg during the voyage from Southampton to New York City. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
A Critical Review of Andrea Owens’ “The Mortgage Bailout that Worked.†Free Essays
While the Harvard Business Review (HBR) has yet to publish anything specifically on the Obama Mortgage Stimulus Plan as of yet, this recent blog entry might give an idea as to what the HBR’s point of view might be. This is a very interesting piece, as it is a historical lesson on mortgage bailout plans and how they might work. In the 1920s, real estate, like in the 1990s, was considered a very safe investment. We will write a custom essay sample on A Critical Review of Andrea Owens’ â€Å"The Mortgage Bailout that Worked.†or any similar topic only for you Order Now In New York just prior to the great crash, several dozen real estate guaranty companies sprang up, offering what amounted to â€Å"mutual funds†for investing in mortgages. These funds were guaranteed by the insurance division of the state of New York. Needless to say, with a few years, these investments sprang out of control. In fact, the companies themselves began to invest in their own guaranty schemes. They charged a fee of roughly 1% of the annual interest on the paper (not the real value). As soon as a slowdown hit, the guaranty firms put their marketing schemes into a higher gear, selling more and more of them, even waving their fee for a time. When the collapse came by 1932, the marketing went even higher, and more mortgages were sold at more and more advantageous rates. Some were noticing that these guaranty firms were â€Å"on the hook†for some very questionable loans. They sold discounted mortgages to attempt to pay off already inflated mortgage values. It was a scam based on a lie. In 1932, the firms held the tremendous sum of about $2. 7 billion in paper, that itself represented about $809 million in actual value. The final collapse came in the Spring of 1935, and finally, the state stepped in. The measures the state took is really the lesson here. First, the state of New York passed two laws. The first was the Mortgage Moratorium Act. This basically stated that the homeowner cannot lose his home through foreclosure so long as the taxes and interest were paid. Second, the state created an institution called the mortgage Commission whose job it was to take over the mortgages and seek to reclaim their value. The point of this latter institution was to maintain real estate values as close to the numbers on the paper as possible. It is here where the state met with some success. This commission hired a large number of researchers and investigators to track down each and every property that was represented (distortions and all) on the now worthless paper. Each property, once identified and appraised, was to be disposed of either through sale or rental. Those properties with unfinished improvements were kept afloat until the improvements were finished. The state assisted in any improvements at all on the properties that may maintain their value. But what is impressive is that, at least according to the HBR, by 1935-1936, the state had reclaimed about 84% of the paper value of these properties, which is quite impressive given the nature of the scam. Now, that being said, what are the issues that derive from this relative to Obama and the mortgage stimulus/bailout? There are two: first, that those who are involved in the bailout/stimulus need to, like the state of New York many moons ago, keep track of all the properties that are recorded on the paper. And second, that the bailout/stimulus money be used to maintain property values to the greatest extent possible given the available liquidity. What the authors of such articles always forget is that there are real people under all this paper. People who have been taken advantage of for the profit of a few. Here, criminal acts have been perpetrated for the sake of quick profits: as a matter of course, it is the homeowner, rather than the schemers, that is punished. Hence, the remainder of this paper will deal with several issues that derive from the stimulus and the historical take on it from our chosen author. 1. Regardless of the nature of the stimulus, all foreclosures must be stopped immediately. It is not the fault fo the homeowner that they have been taken advantage of. Like the New York situation, no foreclosures should proceed even if the taxes cannot be paid. This is a form of reimbursement for the homeowner of the encouragement of such speculation under the fraudulent banner of â€Å"the free market,†which is neither free nor a market: it is the state’s guarantee of personal privilege. 2. All real estate taxes should be suspended for a single year. This will act as a negative stimulus for homeowners. That is, families that own their own homes should be free of real estate taxes for a single year. Like the New York case in the 1930s, the fact is that the regulators and the state was asleep at the switch while all of this was going on. The state, largely captive by the major speculators, refused to take action. Hence, the state that acted as a facilitator to these schemers/speculators. As a result, the state does not deserve the reward of smooth tax collection. If there is to be a moratorium on foreclosures, then there also needs to be a cancellation of taxes on real estate for families who own homes, as well as a cancellation of any back taxes on property, etc. 3. If the bailout is to proceed, then in addition to the above, the checks (which represent their own money anyway) should be made out to the homeowner, and not to the schemers or â€Å"guaranty firms. †4. While it might sound extreme, the schemers and their hangers on should be sentenced to work camps for their role in the scam. If these people view money as the result of scam, then they need to be taught that the origin of value is work, that is, labor. Labor, not fancy financial footwork, is the source of wealth. The middlemen and speculators merely shift it around. If the value of the paper in their hands does not match the actual value of the real estate, that missing value did not disappear, it merely changed hands. The above ideas in terms of the bailout/stimulus itself, therefore, should be involved in recouping that value and transferring it to the taxpayer and homeowner. The fact remains that the middle class homeowner does not have an interest group or lobby that protects them. The schemers do, and the poor do, but the middle class taxpayer does not. 5. If the stimulus is to continue, then it seems reasonable to hold tha a certain percentage of the money should go to bringing the poor into the ranks f the middle class by subsidizing their entry into home ownership and financial stability. By the same toke, the state of indebtedness of the middle class should also be alleviated with this same money. In such a case, it will be a bailout in the truest sense of the word: not a bailout fo the financial system, but of individual poor and middle class taxpayers whose surplus value has been shipped to overseas tax havens and â€Å"foundations. †The reality here is that this crisis is systemic, not aberrational. The HBR’s primary sin is that they insist that this scam is not built into the system, but the result of a handful of criminal minds. In this they are wrong. The system has this kind of scam built into its very concept of value. The issues that can â€Å"unpack†this statement can be summarized this way: 1. The question of value: the manipulation of the value of labor is separated from the actual act of labor and work. In other words, the value of labor is taken by the schemers and manipulated for their own profit. But the fact is that that value is not theirs, but the labor that has created it in the first place: this includes the actual physical labor of building a house, but also the intellectual labor that provides the plans, the geography, the blueprints, etc. The surplus value of their work is taken by the likes of Madoff, and then gambled against other similar feats of labor. The fact is that this surplus value belongs to no one but the labor that created it. Hence, the scam is built into the system, and not aberrational. 2. Hence, if taxes and foreclosures are all eliminated by state fiat (for a certain amount of time) it is merely a matter of financial reparation, not some sort of a gift, or a kind of state benevolence. This money and the labor it represents belongs to the middle class. Hence it is their own money that is being returned to them. 3. The stress in financial circles is not creation. The entire point of labor is to create things out of their natural state that makes life easier for humanity. While this seems elementary, the Wall Street mentality has no concept of it. Speculation itself is a kind of mystification in that speculation is a matter of gambling paper (in fact, representing labor on the ground) against other pieces of paper representing the same thing. When the value of this paper is inflated due to skillful gambling, who is to pay? The very same people who created the real (i. e. non paper) value in the first place. Therefore, the question of the bailout stimulus is misplaced, unless it aims not at the mortgage industry or finance in general, but the middle class whose chronic state of indebtedness is being exacerbated by more and more taxes. While it remains the cases that the system itself is responsible for the crisis, the middle class, always n the lookout for a good deal, made certain they were easy targets for the scam. But this is not the fault of this class–the very backbone of home-ownership. Hence, the schemers need to be punished, and the scammed bailed out, not the other way around. Value must be rejoined to the actual function of labor, rather than the fictional value of paper. How to cite A Critical Review of Andrea Owens’ â€Å"The Mortgage Bailout that Worked.†, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Media Violence and Cartoons Essay Example For Students
Media Violence and Cartoons Essay With the recent increase in violent crimes committed by children, adults have been looking for answers to what causes children to commit these acts. Researchers have performed formal studies, and other approaches have been taken to answer the question. Their ideas and perceptions have strayed far and wide, looking for a suitable answer; one such answer of the many they have uncovered is television, but especially television geared towards children: cartoons and animation. In recent years, animation has taken a more openly violent twist during the same time period that the unique and varied forms of Japanese animation have come to America; both have raised many parents eyebrows as articles and media coverage portray both, but especially Japanese animation, in a harsh and unfair light, depicting all series and movies as violent and only fit for mature audiences. The adults perception of animation varies greatly from the childrens perception, as many factors, such as media depictions, p ersonal opinions, and even the standards of cultures, come into play on the decision of what is suitable for younger viewers. While it is not the first medium ever to reproduce violence for entertainment, television has certainly been the most notorious. However, television stations ;do not air violence because they want to. They air it because that is what sells. The blame is upon ourselves for the large volume of violence, since they are merely responding to what we want; (Kim). This love for violence has filtered into nearly every television show aired currently. Virtually every television station airs shows, either live action or animated, that involve the characters fighting, arguing, or just acting in a malevolent way towards something or somebody else. The news always carries stories of what crimes have been committed during the day, daytime talk shows and soap operas often involve fighting and conflict, and even childrens television is starting to take a more serious, mature twist in its presentations. Shows such as the live action series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers have been called into question because of the numerous fight scenes and injuries that they depict; however, Power Rangers is one show that does provide a message to children at the end, informing them that the fighting is not real and that they should not imitate the Power Rangers. Despite this warning, children do imitate their heroes, hoping to emulate them and be able to stand as strong and powerful as they do. Parents see the television as a babysitter of sorts and let their children sit in front of it, absorbing everything they see mindlessly, while the parents do chores or work they must complete that involves not having their children distract them. This is when children receive the full force of the violence in television; studies conducted have shown that children either imitate their heroes or let the actions of these heroes influence their later, more aggressive actions. A study conducted by Albert Bandura with several groups of children, each watching a different form of violence, agrees with this and suggests that the type of violence a child performs is shaped by the type that he or she sees on television; ;a person displaying violence on film is as influential as one displaying it in real life. televised models are important sources of social behavior; (Bandura, 126). Television has a strong influence on children from a young age, especially if adults give them many opportunities to watch and do not step in to remind their children that this is all fantasy, or to change the channel should the material be entirely too violent for childrens eyes. Cartoons in America, generally aimed at children, also form a surprisingly large source of violence. .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430 , .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430 .postImageUrl , .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430 , .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430:hover , .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430:visited , .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430:active { border:0!important; } .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430:active , .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430 .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u66a145a33415c54dbe86149060da1430:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Art Research Essay Recently, more and more cartoons with violent themes have been released, but violence in animation has been around for decades. Perhaps the best-known examples of such violence are in the short Warner Brothers Looney Tunes cartoons, those that star Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Wile E. Coyote. These cartoons generally portray Bugs Bunny as the protagonist, finding quick and witty ways to save himself from the antagonistic Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, or whoever the villain of the moment may be; Daffy Duck has been seen .
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